Potential application of elements of Christian Elssner’s method in the soprano voice training of secondary-school pupils

Journal Title: "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego" - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 1


The article presents christian elssner in the context of his teaching activity. it outlines the fi- gures of his students and their opinions on a teaching method of solo singing introduced by the professor, emphasizing therapeutic properties of this method. the author also presents a potential application of the method in the soprano voice training of secondary-school pupils. He discusses one by one the following, selected elements of the method: singer’s posture, breathing, register mixing, remarks on high-pitched tones, teacher’s attitude towards pupils, which – as it is stressed by the author – helps both a student and an educated singer to deve- lop a sense of value, self-confidence and personality. At the end of the article, there are hints on the manners how elssner’s method can be applied in a teaching practice when training secondary-school pupils.

Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Majzner


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  • EP ID EP189981
  • DOI 10.5604/2392277X.1220749
  • Views 146
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How To Cite

Rafał Majzner (2016). Potential application of elements of Christian Elssner’s method in the soprano voice training of secondary-school pupils. "Konteksty Kształcenia Muzycznego", 3(1), 75-85. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-189981