Загадка без разгадки. Сентиментально ли «Сентиментальное путешествие» Лоренса Стерна?
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 14
Detailed commentary on E.N. Dilworth’s book “The Unsentimental Journey of Laurence Sterne” (1948) is proposed. Critical essay written by Dilworth is a canonical text in scientific researches of Sterne’s artistic heritage. Dilworth resists traditional values of sentimentalism, its philosophical, ethical, social theories and literary practice that include works by moralists as well as those who prefer natural origins of spiritual and emotional human impulses. The reputation of the eighteenth-century literature of Sensibility according to contemporary critics has never quite recovered from its embarrassing association with displays of unmeasured, extravagant emotion. According to S. Manning, these are the terms in which it was criticized by some of its major practitioners, and they offer a key to this highly formulaic, but inherently unstable, kind of writing. The revival of interest in Sensibility as a literary mode coincides with post-modern recognition of the artifice in all aesthetic and ethical systems. Sterne’s approaches to sensibility have never lacked powerful defenders, although the defenses have been more various than the attacks. Sterne’s advocates, J. A. Stevenson states, have loved his jeux d’esprit and his pathos, they praised his originality and his brilliant use of sources, he has been termed the last of the Augustan satirists and the first prophetis voice of modernism.
Authors and Affiliations
Е. В. Максютенко
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