Specifi city of Cooperative Management System Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Antoni Kożuch Subject(s): Management
Specyfi ka spółdzielczego systemu zarządzania Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Antoni Kożuch Subject(s): Management
Local Authorities vs. Logistic Management in a City And a Region Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Jan Kaźmierski Subject(s): Management
Władze samorządowe a zarządzanie logistyczne w mieście i regionie Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Jan Kaźmierski Subject(s): Management
Ethics of Management in Self-Government Administration Offi ces Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Waldemar Walczak Subject(s): Management
Etyka zarządzania w urzędach administracji samorządowej Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Waldemar Walczak Subject(s): Management
Polish Experience in Research of Organisation and Management in a Historical Perspective Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Tomasz Sobczak Subject(s): Management
Polskie doświadczenia w badaniach organizacji i zarządzania w perspektywie historycznej Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Tomasz Sobczak Subject(s): Management
Management as a Multi-Paradigm Science Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Aleksander Gwiazda Subject(s): Management
Zarządzanie jako nauka wieloparadygmatowa Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Aleksander Gwiazda Subject(s): Management
Relation Between Ethics and Management as Perceived by CEO’s of Medium- and Large-Sized Companies Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Jerzy Szczupaczyński Subject(s): Management
Zarządzanie a etyka w opinii menedżerów średniego i wyższego szczebla Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Jerzy Szczupaczyński Subject(s): Management
Risk Management as a Factor Supporting SME Growth Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Aniela Mikulska Subject(s): Management
Zarządzanie ryzykiem jako czynnik sprzyjający wzrostowi MSP Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Aniela Mikulska Subject(s): Management
Przywództwo zorientowane na relacje z interesariuszami. Wyniki badań empirycznych Journal title: International Journal of Contemporary Management Authors: Agata Austen Subject(s): Management